“God has blessed me with the best”
The phrase above is not from scripture. However, I did find it in my Bible. I have a Wesley Study Bible that I have read every word in, front to back and notations. Not only have scholars written notes to aid my studies but I have written many notes in the margins. Do you write in the margins of your Bible? Do you leave yourself little nuggets of insight to find later?
I found this note I wrote beside Proverbs 18:22 like a little message to myself; it was like finding a treasure. My note reminded me of the overwhelming gift of God that has blessed my life. All of us have known hardships when we cried out to God and all of us have known blessings. It is important to hold on to those blessings and remember that God is faithful.
We get anxious and fearful when the future seems uncertain, or life is not how we expected. In those times we need reminders of how good God is and that God will always be faithful. God has blessed me with the best! What has God given you that is the very best? What blessing in your life is far better than you could have ever imagined? Think and pray on that today.
So, what does Proverbs 18:22 say? Perhaps you looked it up before you even read this far. I do have a holy gift in my life that I consider an absolute treasure. I know Christ. I have many blessings in this world and am filled with hope and peace. What does Proverbs 18:22 say? What do I have that is the best? He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. My wife Amy is the best and in her I feel the Lord’s favor. I hope you feel the Lord’s favor today,
Pastor Rafe