“Get ready: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you”, Joshua 3:5
This past Sunday was a great 40th anniversary celebration. Thank you to all who worked to make the weekend happen. It was filled with joy, love, and laughter. We not only remembered the blessings of the past but were challenged and motivated for what is yet to come.
The Lord will do wonders among you!
I shared on Sunday about the vision of the next “horizon” that we are journeying toward. I would love to talk with each of you more about it so do not hesitate to contact me if you have ideas and questions. The deep truth is that God is doing wonders in us, through us, within us, and among us.
The scripture from Joshua comes out or the story of crossing the Jordan River into the promised land. We have all heard the parting of the Red Sea and Moses, but God also parted the Jordan River for Joshua and all Israel to enter the promised land. God not only performed another water miracle but transformed a wandering nation to a people of a settled land. They were moved to live and do life in a new way, a major life transition.
Life is not static; it is always evolving, transitioning, and changing. The life of New Horizon is no different. God is doing wonders and our life as a community of faith continues to grow, not as it was but as it will be in a new promised land. We go toward a “new horizon”.
Thank you to the courageous leaders that made the last 40 years a joyous work of the Kingdom. Now we get to be part of the next step of faith.
Blessings, Pastor Rafe