On Monday, April 24th 2023, we convened our first NOW Council meeting focusing on our vision, as New Horizon lives from its core values, and becomes people who (Invite, Equip, Care, and Send), the Holy Spirit will fulfil our vision of (transforming lives, creating a Christian community, and healing the city and the world.

As a United Methodist Congregation, we organize ministry planning and implementation into the following areas of nurture (education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, small groups and stewardship), outreach (ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy), and witness (evangelism, communications, lay speaking, and lay service).

This is known as the NOW Leadership Team.


The nurture team coordinates, plans, carries out, and evaluates the congregation’s ministry in the areas of member care, worship, and educational experiences, including the church school, small groups, regular and special worship services, stewardship formation, and member visitation.


The outreach team coordinates, plans, carries out, and evaluates the congregation’s outreach ministries, including missions, health and welfare, Christian unity and interreligious concerns, church and society issues, religion and race, and the status and role of women.


The witness team coordinates, plans, carries out, and evaluates the congregation’s witness ministries, helping all know and respond to the love of God in Christ. This includes planning evangelistic outreach and setting goals for congregational growth, visitation, and membership care.

 We are in the process of listing our ministries, defining their purpose and who is involved with the ministry and how we can get involved with the ministry.