"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat..."
Matthew 25:35

Food For Thought
What will you eat today? It seems an easy question to answer for most of us. However, this is not the case for some kids whose meals depend on whatever breakfast and/or lunch they get at the school during weekdays. This is the reality of many children in the world and Broward County is no exception.
The need is present, so New Horizon Food For Thought is faithfully addressing this lack of meals for some students in Broward County.
Mother Teresa once said: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
We feel blessed that our ministry currently serves 11 schools for a total of 300 students. Every week, each one of them receives a grocery bag with food items that may count for three meals for the weekend.
If you feel in your heart God’s calling to get involved in this ministry, there are many opportunities for you to help:
- Pray for this ministry as we need God’s guidance while we navigate the processes involved in keeping this food pantry moving forward.
- Donate food items. These are the weekly items each bag contains: 1 box of rice, 1 small bag of black beans, 2 individual oatmeal packets, 2 individual applesauce or fruit cups, 2 granola bars, 1 envelope or can of tuna or chicken, 1 individual box of raisins or craisins, 1 sleeve saltine crackers, 1 can vegetables. Once a month: 1 16-20 oz. jar Peanut Butter, 2 individual serving microwave mac & cheese cups.
- Volunteer to pack the grocery bags (Monday or Tuesday AM).
- Write encouragement messages in red paper hearts.
- Donate funds. Click the button below to donate.
If you are interested or have any questions, please send an email to foodforthought@newhorizonumc.com
May God bless this ministry so we may bless others.