Dear New Horizon Family,
In 11 more ‘sleeps’ I see my Son Daniel and 14 more ‘sleeps’ till my daughter Rebekah and her husband Christopher arrive! I am so excited to see them, share my new journey and celebrate this very special time with them and family because my mom and dad arrive in the USA in 5 ‘sleeps’. When Bex and Dan were little counting ‘sleeps’ until the family visited was always a tradition, we made all sorts of crafts, the centipede squiggly worm that we stuck on the wall and excitedly removed one piece day by day as we waited for that special day is filled with memories of joy.
Waiting in anticipation sits in the heart of Advent. We have 18 more days till Christmas as we encounter Joy on Sunday at the heart of this season of Faith. This week we hear the traditional read of Mary’s song, “My Soul Magnifies the Lord in Luke 1:46b-55”. An inspiring prayer of faith that draws deeply from her Soul and reminds us that in the midst of pain, and all that on the evidence looks to destroy God’s mighty presence and promises, God will never send us away empty and his mercy is new every morning.
As we wait in anticipation for all that these next few weeks bring, my prayer is that our Souls will be able to hold faith that God’s mercy calls for a season of rejoicing and “joy” for each of us. Jacqui