10/2/2024 – On The Horizon Newsletter

October 5th our field turns into the most sincere pumpkin patch! Help Unload Pumpkin Truck #1 8:30 am 

Help unload the truck and place the pumpkins on the pallets. Our patch is open for business every day 9 am-7:00 pm. Greet our shoppers, help families shop for that perfect pumpkin, take pictures, and enjoy our patch. Our patch is open 9:00 am – 7:00 pm. 
Please go to our Sign-Up Genius form: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D48ABAC22A4FFC52-51070106-pumpkin and fill in some spaces or get a sign-up form in the lobby at our Pumpkin display.  Or just come by and spend an hour or two. Pumpkin Truck #2 October 12, #3 October 19. Youth service hours available.

This Sunday, October 6th is World Communion Sunday

United Methodist congregations join many Christian churches across the globe for this celebration of unity among churches across denominations. If you are worshipping with us online you can stop by the church office and pick up the individual communion packs. Or prepare your elements before worship on Sunday to be one with us. We will be collecting an offering, separate from our regular weekly giving, for our Cuban Churches Heaven’s Gate and Church on the Solid Rock.

First Fruits Celebration Sunday Planning Meeting  Sunday, October 6, 11:15 am

Please join us in the sanctuary following the 2nd worship service to begin planning for our First Fruits Celebration service on Sunday, November 17. A time of celebration of our roots in service and food. Questions? Contact Cynthia at mullingscindy@gmail.com.

Tweens/Youth Sunday 5-6:30 pm — Paint a Pumpkin

Join us today to share and enjoy each other in fellowship. All are welcome here – bring a friend! Christine@newhorizonumc.com.

UMCOR Cleaning Kits

We are collecting cleaning supplies to fill buckets that will be delivered to victims of the hurricane. Lists of items needed are in the lobby. If you want to donate toward this project each bucket is approximately $75. Mark “Cleaning kit” on your check or envelope. Supplies and donations are needed by October 15.

Giving Thanks

Online Giving www.newhorizonumc.com Click on Give tab and choose the fund. 

Join us online: https://www.youtube.com/@NewHorizonumcFlorida 