Celebration of Life for Grace Barnett Saturday, April 6, 1:00 PM
All are invited to Grace’s celebration of life service on Saturday. The family has requested our attire be spring colors (purple was Grace’s favorite). In lieu of flowers, kindly consider donating to: Warren Willis Camp Scholarship Fund in Grace’s memory. *Note Camp on your check or envelope.
Recycle Plastic Easter Eggs
There is a bin in the lobby to recycle your empty plastic Easter eggs to be stored away for the next Easter egg hunt.
Thank you – Thank you – Thank you!
Please see the birth announcement from our Learning Center children. Thank you all for your love and support with our Easter mission project. We were able to provide Delilah the Cow and her friends Duck, Chick, and Bee through Heifer Int’l. To see what this amazing organization does go to www.heifer.org.
Looking Ahead to Next Week
Joy Circle welcomes a guest speaker from Gilda’s Club next Monday, April 8, 10:00 AM.
Book Club will be discussing The Women on Thursday, April 11, 10:30 AM.
Beyond 50 Games Day is Friday, April 12, 10:00 AM.
Do You Sew?
Our Craft Group is looking for someone who loves to sew and would enjoy taking home some of our projects. Contact the church office 954.434.7400.
For anyone interested in crafting of any kind we meet the 3rd Tuesday each month at 9:30 am if you would like to join us. We would love to have your input!
Vacation Bible School SCUBA, June 24-28 – Registration Open
Children aged 4-entering 5th grade are invited to go on this amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. Youth and adult volunteers are needed to make this an extraordinary week. Register today: click here.
Online Giving www.newhorizonumc.com Click on Give tab and choose the fund.
Join us online: https://newhorizonumc.com/live/