Dear New Horizon Family
Thanksgiving is at the heart of our Gospel story. As you prepare for Thanksgiving we are reminded that in all things we are called to give thanks! Father Richard Rohr on gratitude reminds us in Philippians 4:6–7, “Paul sums up an entire theology of prayer practice in very concise form: “Pray with gratitude, and the peace of Christ, which is bigger than knowledge or understanding, will guard both your mind and your heart in Christ Jesus.” Only a pre-existent attitude of gratitude, a deliberate choice of love over fear, a desire to be positive instead of negative, will allow us to live in the spacious place Paul describes as “the peace of Christ.”
It is important that we ask, seek, and knock to keep ourselves in right relationship with Life Itself. Life is a gift, totally given to us without cost, every day of it, and every part of it.
A daily and chosen attitude of gratitude will keep our hands open to expect that life, allow that life, and receive that life at ever-deeper levels of satisfaction—but never to think we deserve it. Those who live with such open and humble hands receive life’s “gifts, full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over into their lap” (Luke 6:38).”
We are compelled to live radically grateful lives everyday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In gratitude and love Jacqui