5/29/2024 – On The Horizon Newsletter

Cinda Berning Celebration of Life Saturday, June 1, 3:30 pm

All are welcome to join us in celebration of Cinda’s life. In lieu of flowers, donations to New Horizon to establish a GriefShare program.

Tweens & Youth Fellowship Sunday, June 2 –  5:00 pm

Please join us next Sunday for games and fellowship for our Tweens (3rd to 5th grades) and Youth (6th to 12th grades). You don’t want to miss this – bring a friend!

NH MLB Game Outing Friday, June 7 – Marlins vs Guardians – RSVP Today

All are invited to join us. $21 includes t-shirt. RSVP to Christine by Monday. christine@newhorizonumc.com

Joy Circle, Monday, June 10, 10:00 am

All women are invited to join us in the sanctuary for our Joy Circle meeting. Devotion, short program, preparing our Father’s Day giveaway and of course lunch. Pastor Jacqui will join us to share her future plans with us. Please let Ann know if you are planning on attending so we have enough lunch planned ($10). annm@newhorizonumc.com 

Vacation Bible School SCUBA – Final Week to RegisterJune 24-28, 9 am-Noon  https://vbspro.events/p/events/nhvbs2024

**Games Day – See You Friday, June 14, 10:00 am

All are welcome to join us on the 2nd and 4th Friday each month in the sanctuary for fun and games. Bring your favorite or share in one of ours!

Make a Note and Spread the Word

Pastor Jacqui’s Celebration Sunday, June 23 – Combined Worship 10:15 am

Sunday, June 23 we have one 10:15 am worship service with a potluck luncheon following. If you are able, please bring a dish ready to be placed on the table following the suggested: A-F Salad/Veggies; G-Q Main Dish; R-Z Dessert/Fruit.

If you would like to share an encouraging word there are notecards available in the lobby. Pastor Jacqui will be flying out later that day.

Giving Thanks

Online Giving www.newhorizonumc.com Click on Give tab and choose the fund. 

Join us online: https://www.youtube.com/@NewHorizonumcFlorida 
