The Shepherd’s Vigil, 03/30/22
“He set his face to go to Jerusalem” Luke 9:51 I think this is what the season of Lent is all about. Turn your focus and “set your face to go” toward the work that God has designed for you. For Jesus that work could only be completed by heading for Jerusalem. There He would […]
Adult Sunday School Class
Meets Each Sunday 8:30am in the Mission Building & ZOOM Adult Sunday School Class. We follow the pattern of Focus, Prepare, Gather, Engage, Respond, Bless and Reflect using Bible stories and scripture. All are welcome. Led by Mark Liebi & Bob Habenicht. Email for information or just join us Sunday morning in the Mission Building.
Weekly Devotion: Spring
Please take a moment and listen to Ms. Ginny as she discusses Spring and how God not only brings new life in the seasons but within all of us.
Worship This Week: 3/27/22
Please take a moment and enjoy the best moments of worship from this past Sunday. Please leave a like and share with friends and family.