Vacation Bible School
June 23-27, 9 am to noon, Ages 3 years to 5th grade
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Through active engagement with our community, we strive to be the Church with open hearts, open minds and open doors.

We provide opportunities for people to come together in community, to worship, to learn God’s Word together, to discover God’s Love, to grow in fellowship with one another, and finally follow the call to go out and deploy God’s love to the community around us.

Children & Youth are Welcome Here

On Sunday mornings, we offer a nursery for children up to age 3 in the Family Room attached to the Sanctuary. Our Children’s Sunday School is downstairs in the Mission Building directly following the Children’s Message. Middle and High School Youth, Christ & Coffee, meet upstairs in the Mission Building. All are also welcome to stay in worship.

SAVE the DATE! Vacation Bible School True North – Trusting Jesus in a Wild World June 23-27 9am-noon, ages 3 years-5th grade.

Join us for Worship, Sundays at 10 am

Each Sunday, our worship service begins with our Worship Team singing songs of praise followed by our welcome and passing the peace. The service continues with call to worship, prayers, chancel choir, hymns, scripture and sermon. Children and youth will begin in the worship service then go to the Mission Building for Sunday School. The first Sunday of each month we share in communion.


Golf tournament & Silent Auction May 10th at Jacaranda, Click here to find out more and to register!

Women’s Retreat March 15th, Click here to find out more!

On the Horizon

Around the Community

Florida United Methodist Children's Home
New Horizon Food for Thought

Pumpkin Patch

Girl Scouts

Our Learning Center

Visit our Learning Center Preschool
Office: 954-680-9497