Dear New Horizon Family,
Be strong and courageous is an incredible statement of faith that comes to us in Joshua 1:9, at a time when Joshua had very little hope of being strong and courageous. He was facing mighty giants that stood in the way of entering the Promised Land that God had declared to him and his ancestors. The people of Israel had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and it was up to Joshua to fight the spiritual and physical battles that his people were facing. God commanded him to be strong and courageous and trust he would be with him always. God promises he will always be with us in our battle, yet it’s often hard to feel or see God during crushing challenges. This incredible story is one of deep faith trusting in what God promises despite what the situation presents.
This past Sunday, you would’ve witnessed the incredible gift of strength and courage in Myra when we all prayed for her and in Hope’s faith that called us to pray for her and her daughter Yvette.
I’ve been thinking about what makes us brave and strong and having my family stay with me for a while, gave me strength and courage. Being in a community with people that know me, know my stories, know my secrets, know my pain, and know my weakness and vulnerability, gives me strength. I’ve been part of New Horizon community for a very short time, and people have seen the pain and joy in my life and have given me strength. This past Sunday someone delivered a great gift to me a picture of me and my family, knowing that when they left, it would give me strength.
I’m wondering what it means to give one another courage and strength and so perhaps that’s what we need to do for each other this week think of someone that is in your world maybe it’s a family member maybe it’s a friend maybe it’s even a stranger or a neighbor, a work colleague that you can give courage and strength to through an act of love and kindness, be strong and courageous. Let us bring strength and courage to others this week.
We are commanded by God to find depths of inner strength and courage, knowing that God is with us often through the presence of one another. Let this week be a time that you find someone you to give strength and courage.
Bless you, and we look forward to celebrating with you on the final Sunday in January 2023. Jacqui