UM Men of Faith, Thursday, March 21, 7:00 pm
All men are invited to join us in the Mission Building for our monthly meeting. Devo, fellowship and planning for our next events. Questions? Contact Ken at
Easter Flower Order
Easter flowers to decorate our sanctuary March 31st fill out the form and place in the offering plate. The plants are $8 each. You may pay for them by placing your check or cash (use envelope from the red registration pad) in the offering plate.. Please make sure you clearly mark your payment “Easter Flowers”. Order deadline: Sunday, March 24th
Prayer Shawl Ministry
As part of our outreach mission, we give prayer shawls to those who are hospitalized, ill or suffering. Our goal is to create a warm safe wrap, so the wearer knows they are being held in prayer and that the love of God surrounds them to support and protect. We are in need of shawls. If you knit or crochet and would be interested in helping with this mission, please contact the church office.
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30, 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Families are invited to our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy the petting zoo, treat yourself with cotton candy, pizza and snow cones. Preschool egg hunt starts at 12:30 pm; elementary & middle school starts at
1:00 pm. All are invited.
Easter Mission Outreach – Heaven’s Gate & Solid Rock UMC’S
We have two Cuban churches that we help financially during the year. They are going through one of the most difficult times they’ve had in recent years. We are directing our special Easter offering to Heaven’s Gate & Solid Rock. You will find Easter envelopes in the back of the red registration pads or note Cuban churches on your envelope or check. Please continue to pray for them.
Online Giving Click on Give tab and choose the fund.
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