Historic Hampton House Tour Saturday, March 2, 1:00 pm – Contact Ginny Today to Reserve Your Spot
The Historic Hampton House is the only Green Book Museum in the world dedicated to sharing this unique experience of the segregated era. See attached flyer. Please meet at New Horizon at noon to carpool to 4240 NW 27 Ave., Miami. Contact Ginny Calehuff to pay and reserve your spot – $25.
Active Shooter Training Sunday, March 3, 11:15 am
New Horizon United Methodist Church is committed to supporting efforts to maintain a safe and secure church facility while sustaining an open and welcoming environment. We invite you to join us in the sanctuary on Sunday, March 3 following our 10:15 am worship for active shooter training. We will have a presentation followed by a time for Q&A. This is an opportunity for you to participate in this important training and learn the different aspects involved in an active shooter situation. It could be life-saving.
St. Mark Carnival March 7-10
Advance sale ride tickets are available in our office until Tuesday, March 5. $30 for 1 session or $65 for all four days.
Homeless Mission
Many thanks for all of your clothing donations. When we go on Tuesday night they are so thankful for our many gifts. Needed right now are athletic socks and a special request for adult sized sleeping bags (maybe the one you used to use!) We have a collection basket in the main building lobby. We appreciate your continued generosity. Becky Herbert
Register Now for our 4th Annual Women’s Retreat Saturday, March 16
Register for our 4th Annual Women’s Retreat Saturday, March 16, 9:30am-1:00pm. $30. Our keynote speaker is Rev. Hedy Collver; scripture focus: OT Genesis 1:27 CEB- NT Ephesians 2:10 NLT, music, craft, lunch by Panera. Childcare is available. Registration forms are available in the lobby. Please register by Wednesday – you don’t want to miss this one!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30, noon – 2:00 pm
In preparation for our Easter Egg Hunt we’re asking for donations of plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy
(no chocolate) to be brought in by Sunday, March 24.
Please place donations in the bin in the main building lobby.
Food For Thought Easter Campaign
As we continue our mission of feeding, every week, 250 school students who are experiencing food insecurity, we reach out to you to support the Food For Thought Easter Campaign. We will provide 2 grocery bags for each student (500 bags total) the week of March 18 to cover that week and Spring Break. We ask that you help us by donating funds and/or food items.
· The cost of 2 grocery bags per student is $20. You may help with the cost of bags for one or many students by donating using the giving link shown below and select Food For Thought or dropping your donation in the offering on Sunday,
· The food items needed are Rice (box or bag – 16 oz or less), Black Beans (can or bag 16 oz), Oatmeal (individual packets), Applesauce or fruit cups, Granola Bar, Tuna or Chicken (can 5 oz), Peanut Butter (16 oz), Any snack item (Raisins-small box, Rice Krispies Treats, Craisins), Saltine Crackers (box w/4 or 2 sleeves), Mac & Cheese cups.
We would appreciate it if you donate funds or food items for this Easter Campaign by Sunday, March 17.
Giving Thanks
Online Giving www.newhorizonumc.com Click on Give tab and choose the fund.
Join us online: https://newhorizonumc.com/live/